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Bell & Collins 2001Bell, Arthur; Collins, Chris
ǂHoan and the typology of click accompaniments in Khoisan.In: Cornell working papers in linguistics, 18, pp. 126-153.ǂHoanhoa-hoaSmall paper on the structure and phonetic features of the click system in ǂHoan, illustrated by a limited amount of lexical data.
Bell 1970Bell, Herman
The Phonology of Nobiin Nubian.In: African Language Review, 9, pp. 115-139.Nobiinnub-nobDetailed phonological description of Nobiin, richly illustrated by lexical examples.
Bender & Malik 1980Bender, M. Lionel; Malik Agaar Ayre
Preliminary Gaam-English-Gaam Dictionary.Carbondale: Southern Illinois Prin\-ting Service.Gaamjeb-gaaComprehensive dictionary of the Gaam language, produced in collaboration with a native speaker, although the accuracy of phonetic notation and semantic glossing is sometimes questionable.
Bender 1968Bender, M. Lionel
Analysis of a Barya wordlist.In: Anthropological Linguistics, 10, 9, pp. 1-24.Nara, Modernnar-nrbA 200-item wordlist of Nara (Barya), collected by the author and annotated with preliminary etymological findings.
Bender 1971Bender, M. Lionel1971The languages of Ethiopia. A new lexicostatistic classification and some problems of diffusion.Anthropological Linguistics 13(5): 165-288.Ari; Dizi; Murle; Mursi; Me'en; Nayi; Kwegu; Sheko; Nuersom-ari; diz-dzi; srm-mrl; srm-mrs; srm-mee; diz-nay; srm-kwg; diz-shk; wnl-nueA lexicostatistical study of most of the languages of Ethiopia. Includes slightly modified Swadesh wordlists for a large number of Cushitic, Omotic, Ethiosemitic, and Nilo-Saharan (Nilotic, Surmic, Koman, etc.) languages. Unfortunately, the survey suffers from numerous inaccuracies of phonetic transcription and semantic glossing, making it practically unusable as a primary source for any of the languages concerned.
Bender 1979Bender, M. Lionel
Gumuz: A Sketch of Grammar and Lexicon.In: Afrika und Übersee, 62, pp. 38-69.Gumuz, Sai; Gumuz, Sese; Gumuz, Metemma; Gumuz, Gojjamgum-sai; gum-ses; gum-kok; gum-gjjThe most important source of comparative lexical data on various Gumuz dialects, collected by the author himself as well as incorporating data from previous studies, both officially published and archival manuscripts. Unfortunately, the data come in the form of restricted lexical lists rather than complete vocabularies, and Bender's own materials seem to suffer from numerous phonetic and semantic inaccuracies.
Bender 19831Bender, M. Lionel
Majang phonology and morphology.In: Nilo-Saharan Language Studies. Ed. by M. Lionel Ben\-der. Michigan: East Lansing, pp. 114-147.Majangsrm-majGrammar sketch of Majang with a lot of illustrative lexical data.
Bender 19832Bender, M. Lionel1983Remnant Languages of Ethiopia and Sudan.In: M. Lionel Bender (ed.). Nilo-Saharan Language Studies: 336-354. Michigan: East Lansing.Shaboshb-shbContains notes on various linguistic isolates and languages with questionable affiliation, including a wordlist for Shabo taken from unpublished field notes by Harvey Hoekstra.
Bender 19833Bender, M. Lionel
Proto-Koman Phonology and Lexicon.In: Afrika und Übersee, 66, pp. 259-297.Kwama; Opo; Komo; Uduk; Gulekom-kwm; kom-opo; kom-kmo; kom-udu; kom-gulA first attempt at reconstructing the phonology and select basic and cultural lexicon of Proto-Koman. The paper contains rich lexical material on most of the known Koman languages, collected by the author himself, although the quality of notation is far from ideal.
Bender 1994Bender, M. Lionel1994Aroid (South Omotic) Lexicon.Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere 38: 133-162.Arisom-ariMid-size collection of comparative vocabularies for Ari, Hamer, and Dime, concentrating on inherited South Omotic lexicon. Ari material incorporates data from [Hayward 1990] as well as R. Hayward's previously unpublished fieldwork, along with M. L. Bender's own collected lexica, marked separately.
Bender 1997Bender, M. Lionel
The Eastern Jebel Languages of Sudan I: Phonology.In: Afrika und Übersee, 80, pp. 189-215.Aka; Molo; Kelo; Beni Shekojeb-aka; jeb-mol; jeb-kel; jeb-bshGeneral notes on the phonologies of four East Jebel lects (Aka, Kelo, Molo, Beni Sheko), including comparative 300-item wordlists collected by the author himself.
Berger 1974Berger, Hermann
Das Yasin-Burushaski (Werchikwar). Grammatik, Texte, Wörterbuch.Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.Burushaski, Yasinbur-yasA large and detailed grammatical description of the Yasin dialect of Burushaski, complete with vocabulary and a selection of texts.
Berger 1998Berger, Hermann
Die Burushaski-Sprache von Hunza und Nager.Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.Burushaski, Hunzabur-hnzA huge, three-volume grammatical description of the closely related Hunza and Nagar dialects of Burushaski, complete with vocabulary and a selection of texts.
Berkov 2006Берков, В. П.
Новый большой русско-норвежский словарь.Москва: Живой язык.Norwegian, Bokmålgrm-bokHuge Norwegian-Russian dictionary (more than 210,000 Russian equivalents of Norwegian forms, with "traditional Bokmål" and "radical Bokmål" forms consistently indicated along with the "default" orthographic norm).
Berman 2001Berman, Howard
Chimariko Linguistic Material.In: V. Golla and S. O’Neill (eds.). The Collected Works of Edward Sapir. Vol. 14: Northwest California Linguistics. P. 1039-1076.Chimarikochi-chiAn edition of Sapir’s field notes on Chimariko (collected in 1927) with a sketch of Chimariko phonology and morphology by H. Berman.
Bezlaj 1995Bezlaj, F.
Etimološki slovar slovenskega jezika, tretja knjiga.Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.Slovenian, Resiaslv-resA Slovene etymology dictionary.
Bgazhba 1964Бгажба, Х. С.
Русско-абхазский словарь [Russian-Abkhaz dictionary. Ed. by Kh. S. Bgazhba].Сухуми: Издательство "Алашара".Abkhaz, Abzhuwawcc-abkA large Russian-Abkhaz dictionary (appr. 16,000 entries), based on the Abzhuwa dialect.
Bgazhba 2006Бгажба, Х. С.
Бзыбский диалект абхазского языка (исследование и тексты). 3-е издание [The Bzyb dialect of Abkhaz. 3rd edition].Сухум.Abkhaz, Bzybwcc-bzbDetailed description of the specific phonetic, grammatical, and lexical features that separate the Bzyb dialect from the more well-known, but in some respects less archaic, Abzhuwa. Includes a large collection of texts from multiple old and recent sources.
Black 1971Black, Keith; Black, Elizabeth.
The Moro Language: Grammar and Dictionary.Khartoum: Sudan Research Unit, University of Khartoum.Morohei-morLarge grammar of the Moro language with an extensive accompanying vocabulary.
Blažek 2008Blažek, Václav2008A lexicostatistical comparison of Omotic languages.In: John D. Bengtson (ed.). In Hot Pursuit of Language in Prehistory: Essays in the four fields of anthropology. In honor of Harold Crane Fleming: 57-148. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.Ari; Dizi; Nayisom-ari; diz-dzi; diz-nayCollection of Swadesh wordlists for most known Omotic languages, with etymological comments by the author. For some languages, contains manuscript data from unpublished or hard-to-find sources.
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